My Post-Apocalyptic Bridge

With the right post-apocalyptic lighting, a good bridge can be both functional and pretty.

I think if a cataclysmic hoopla upsets the Earth, and we’re thrown into a dystopian future, I’m going to claim a small bridge, set up my home there, and control the foot, horse, and other traffic that goes over it with fees and politics. I figure while everyone else is busy busting their humps trying to grow corn or whatever, I can simply charge a usage fee when they want to deliver their wares to the market on the other side. I’d probably make good cash, or whatever we use for money in the future, such as shells, carved rocks, or gold.

If anybody says I’m being unfair, I could point out that I tend to the bridge and maintain it, and that if I didn’t, it would fall into disrepair and they’d have to swim. And if they don’t like my price to use my well-manicured bridge, they’re still more than welcome to swim. It *is* a free country, after all. Or a free shire. Or maybe it’s not a shire, or even free, but whatever.

I’d also probably set up a gym membership-like bridge fee structure. There’s a small fee to set up your account and join the Bridge Club, then there’s a regular monthly fee which you pay whether you use it or not, and a yearly maintenance fee on the account. Obviously there are also late fees if people don’t pay. That way my bridge has a guaranteed monthly income which I could then lend out to others, with a good interest rate, and become the first bridge-based bank in US history. Or after US history, as the US may not be there.

About Kevin 40 Articles
Kevin is a Boston-based writer and producer, and recovering high school teacher. By day he works for large advertising agencies and Fortune 500 companies, and by night he writes novels about monsters.

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